Friday, May 21, 2021

Making your own album 35

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6.2.2     Use of colours

In chapter some basic colours were introduced, to put text in colour.

COLOUR_PAGE_TEXT(red), makes the following text red. The colour is written in English and we already saw : red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, black, gold, white (only possible on a coloured background image)

AlbumEasy 4.2.1 offers not less than 130 different colours to use :

By clicking the ‘help’ button in AlbumEasy 4.2.1, you can find their names, listed under ‘colours’.
The same codes can be used for both COLOUR_PAGE_TEXT, to put text in a certain colour, as well as COLOUR_ALBUM_BORDER, to change the colour of the border frames.
In chapter 6.4, we will even be able to give boxes a specific border colour, or even to fill the boxes with a particular colour.

over 130 colours included in AlbumEasy 4.2.1

Remark : for those who are familiar with html and hexadecimal colour codes, there are even more possibilities.  Hexadecimal colours are indicated with a hashtag (#), but since AlbumEasy 4.2.1 already uses the hashtag-sign to indicate a comment line in the programming, you will need to use a single dollar-sign ($) to select a certain colour. 

Colour selector in a word processor

hexadecimal colour codes
from #000000 to #FFFFFF

Above the possible ways to change text colour in word processing programs.

COLOUR_PAGE_TEXT($0000FF) is the same as COLOUR_PAGE_TEXT(blue)

This way, you can create up to 16^6 combinations or, over 16.7 million colours … 

to be continued... 

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