Thursday, May 27, 2021

Making your own album 40 (final) - solving errors

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Last post on Album Easy 4.2.1

8      Errors

8.1     Errors when creating PDF:

Generating the Album ...

PDF generation error: Unable to write to file C:/Users/XXX/Documents/AlbumEasy/examples/Test Design 16.pdf.

Problem : a PDF with the same name is already open

Solution 1 : close the PDF with the same name

Solution 2 : give your design another name

8.2     Errors that prevent a script to be exectuted :

Error in line 54: Bad line continuation.

Problem : Page Text -command has an empty line

Solution 1 : omit empty lines in Page_text-command

Solution 2 :  close previous line with “ \ - start new line with “

Error in line 57: " ……. - Parameters require opening parenthesis.

Problem: programming line starts without any command

Solution : the “)” in the example above, closes the command, which was not necessary yet. Therfore, the rest of the command is neglected, as there is no “(“ to continue.
The “)” is not necessary on this spot, as it comes only at the end of the commandl

Error in line 58: PAGE_TEXT_CENTRE command - Parameters require closing parenthesis.

Problem : command line is wrongly terminated

Solution : “    \ should have been  “\

Error in line 59: PAGE_TEXT_CENTRE command - Quoted text expected.

The pm does not start with double straight quotes, (or there are too many double quotes).

Solution: re-write the text part as one continuing text.  Put \n where you want to start a new line. When no error occurs, you can split the tekst if you like.
Only if necessary for visual reasons, ,split the text part in your programming by adding a “\” between two lines in the programming code.
Each line should start with a black \ abd start with a blue “

PDF generation error: Error (1043) while processing the image file C:/Users/XXX/Documents/AlbumEasy/examples/decoration/deco corner leaf 02.png

The inserted image for a decorative corner is too large, and can’t be loaded.
Choose a smaller image. (less than 1 MB)

NOT to be continued...

previous part :

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