Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Making your own album 33

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6.2     The use of fonts and colours

In the original example, the word ‘France’ was written in a fancy, italic font, while in our example we still use Helvetica.
Next to the default fonts, we can also add fonts we like.

6.2.1     The use of fonts

AlbumEasy 4.2.1 can introduce any font, on condition that it is installed on the computer. Nowadays, most computers have lots of fonts built-in already.
If you have a word processor on the computer (WORD or similar), you can select many fonts ot of the menu.

AlbumEasy 4.2.1 has some fonts built-in, like Helvetica, Times New Roman, and also  DejaVu which we have used already.

In the Album-settings, we can determinate which font we want to use as our house style.

ALBUM_DEFINE_FONT (font and “font-name” as mentioned on your computer)     Default fonts

The defaulf  fonts are indicated with a two letter code (although DJV is used in one exercise too).
As they are default, we do not need to define them in the ALBUM_DEFINE_FONT.
They can directly be used in the commands

CN Courier

CI Courier Italic

CB Courier Bold

CS Courier Bold-Italic



TN Times Roman

TI Times Roman Italic

TB Times Roman Bold

TS Times Roman Bold-Italic



HN Helvetica

HI Helvetica Italic

HB Helvetica Bold

HS Helvetica Bold-Italic



DJ DejaVu Sans



DJ is not built-in, but available


It is defined as  DJ - DJV would have been better (see     Default but optional fonts

The following fonts are available on most pc’s, but need to be defined in ALBUM_DEFINE_FONT ()

An example is ‘Copperplate-Gothic’. Optional fonts are fonts that need to be looked up by the program, before they can be used.
Without being defined in the album settings, the program will not recognize the command. In rare cases the computer will not fin dit, or AlbumEasy 4.2.1 will generate an error. In most cases you will need to check if the settings refer to the correct font (name need to be exactly like the font name on your computer):

ALBUM_DEFINE_FONT (CPG "Copperplate-Gothic")

Important is the reference code YOU decide to use in the album. This reference code (here : CPG) is needed for all non-default build-in fonts.

Be careful to use the correct name of the font when defining it. The reference code allows you to use the font further on in the album. Even if it is only used few times.
Those optional fonts are best described with a 3-letter code, to make the difference with the 2-letters default fonts.
This is a help, not necessary, but with only 2 letters, the number of combinations are more limited, and, some combinations (HI, HB, HN, HS, TB, TN, TI, TS, …. are already taken.

Open Test Design 13 and replace in the Album-settings, the Album_Define_Font :

ALBUM_DEFINE_FONT (LCI "Lucida Calligraphy Italic")
Lucida Calligraphy Italic is a default (but optional) font that is available on most computers, we use the 3-letter code LCI to define it. LUCi, LUCA, LUCAi … is also possible but LCI is easier to remember …
Whatever reference you choose now, is important as this code (LCI) will be necessary later on if you need it for your texts.

Now that we have added a new font in the album, we can replace the code :

PAGE_TEXT_CENTRE (CPG 42 "France" 8.0)
PAGE_TEXT_CENTRE (LCI 28 "France" 8.0)

Save this now as Test Design 14a, generate the PDF and close afterwards.
The program might wait a few seconds, in order to search the newly inserted font.

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