Sunday, July 10, 2011

Odd stamps : 08 Stamps with special cuts - 03 e

Before moving to the next topic in the world of 'odd' stamps.
I want to post one more item on diamond shaped stamps.
Most stamps shown so far are already quite old.
However, in recent years, the hunger for 'special' stamps hasn't gone away.

I found two very fine examples of recently (2004) issued stamps in Ukraine.
Ukraine issued stamps before the sovjet occupation, in 1912 - 1922.
From then, till 1992 stamps from the USSR were used in Ukraine.
After the regaind independence, Ukraine has a moderatede stamps issuing program, and all stamps are good quality in printing and design.

It was here that I found two sheets with diamond shaped stamps on.

1st issue is on birds living near the water
2nd issues is on butterflies

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