Saturday, April 10, 2021

Making your own album 09

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3.4.2     More boxes on one line.

Adding a second box on the same line, can simply be done by copying the last two codes and adding them to your program.

Add following code, add a comment line if you want


# second box on the same line
STAMP_ADD (30.0 35.0 "" " " "" "" "" "")

STAMP_HEADING(HN 9 "NewYear Celebration\n2016")

Remark : We made the second box a bit larger than the first one, both in width as in height, also the heading we make a bit larger. 

Click Generate + PDF to see the result, close the PDF again afterwards.

As long as the second box is larger than the first box, you will not have too many difficulties. But when the second box is smaller, and yet has a large text above it…

Change the size of the second box, to 20.0 – 25.0
Generate en press PDF

TOP aligning

The result above, is what you get if you chose : ROW_ALIGN_TOP in 3.4.1

If you chose something else, the result will be different : 



And this is when you took ROW_ALIGN_BOTTOM :

Of course, this is not the result we want to see.
Solutions could be :

    1. Entering boxes from small to large
2. Insert less heading
3. Splitting the header in 3 lines
    4. Leave more space between the boxes

Solution 1 is possible, but your album soon will look like a stair catalog, and that’s not the goal you are aiming for.
Solution 2 is possible, but it will reduce your possibilities a lot.
Imagine you want to put an item “
Roberto Rastapopoulos. “…
Solution 3 is also possible, but will lead to unexpected things and migth disrupt aligning at the top or at the bottom.
Solution 4 is the best option, and for this solution, you can try different options:    

S 4.1: ROW_START_FS : making the 4 pm (distance between boxes) larger, this will affect all boxes, and that might not be what you want to do. 

4.2: ROW_START_FS : veranderen naar_ES of _JS :
His is a different way of using the space on the line. Also this affects all lines on your page, and does not guarantee that the problem is gone.

S 4.3: Entering an ‘invisible’ box between two visible boxes. This is the best option, as it only needs to be added when really needed.

3.4.3     Adding an 'invisible' box

The choice to add an ‘invisible’ box is easy, because it requires a command without many parameters.

STAMP_ADD_BLANK (2.0 30.0) : two pm (width en hight)
Here, the hight is less important, as the box will be invisible anyhow. The width however will create the empty space between the previous and the following box.
Remark : because we chose Row_Start_FS earlier, there is automatically a space between the boxes, visible or not. This distance will be added on top op the width of the invisible box.
The result will be :

Box 1space inbetweenbox 2 (empty box) space inbetweenbox 3
If you need an emtpy space of 10 mm, your ‘invisible box’ has to be 2 mm wide, as there is already a fixed space of 4 mm before and after the box, as we requested in the command ROW_START_FS (HN 6 0.2 4.0) earlier.

Delete, if necessary everything below the ROW_START_FS-command and add following code :

STAMP_ADD (28.0 31.0 "" " " "" "" "" "")
(HN 9 "New Year\n2015")
# empty box

(2.0 30.0)

# second box on the same line
20.0 25.0 "" " " "" "" "" "")
STAMP_HEADING (HN 9 "\nNew Year Celebration")
(30.0 35.0 "" " " "" "" "" "")
(HN 9 "New Year \n")

Now we have used 3 times the STAMP_ADD -command and the accompanying STAMP_HEADING, and once the STAMP_ADD_BLANK (without heading). For the program, we are creating 4boxes, but on the result we will only see 3 boxes.

Click ‘generate’ and PDF

The result is still not what we wanted:

Between the 2nd and 3rd visible box, another invisible box would be welcome

The heading on the 2nd visible box is better in two lines and should not start with an empty line
The heading on the 3rd visible box higher than the other boxes, because we are aligning on the             bottom line, and because we added an \n -command.

Change the programming code to get a better result:

Solutions :

above : if you choose top aligning
bottom : if you choose bottom aligning

both codes :



to be continued...

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next part :

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