Friday, April 9, 2021

Making your own album 08

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3.4     Making album pages (1 D)

Open in AlbumEasy 4.2.1 the exercise Test Design 3.

Delete everything that comes after the first ‘PAGE_START’ and change some of the parameters, so that your new code looks like the code below. Then ‘save as : Test Design 4’

ALBUM_PAGES_SIZE (210.0 297.0)

#2 pm (in mm) : page size
#210.0/297.0 voor A4 -or 215.9/279.4 US Letter

ALBUM_PAGES_MARGINS (22.0 15.0 10.0 10.0 )

#4 pm (in mm) working area 4 margins W/E/N/S

ALBUM_PAGES_BORDER (0.7 0.15 0.0 0.55)

#4 pm (in pt) frame(s) : line 1/ line 2 / line 3 / distance in between


#2 pm (in pt) font spacing / line spacing

ALBUM_PAGES_TITLE (TB 20 "My collection")

#2 pm (font and size) + “title text”


#0 pm – needed to start a page
(0.1 0 5)

3.4.1     Making the first design

Because our pages will be filled with ‘empty boxes’, there is a diffence with pages with text.  Text pages normally have more or less the same layout, and most of the text lines look similar.

When we start adding ‘boxes’, we will soon discover that those boxes are not always the same width or height  Of course we do not want the boxes to appear randomly on our pages. Most common is that all boxes are placed as if they were on an imaginary line, alligned on the bottom line.

One new code : ROW_ALIGN, puts all boxes on such an imaginary line.
Aligning on the bottom line seems the most logic, like the books on a bookshelf, but maybe you like to ‘hang’ the boxes like ropes on a clothesline…
A third option is to align in the middle, as a reflecting image on the water, half above the water line, half below it.


Entering this code after  the Page_Start – command, makes all lines with boxes similar, until we enter a new command or until the end of the page. You can choose another style for each page, but that is not very likely.
Entering the code before Page_Start, makes the code valid for all of the album. That way, we do not have to enter it every time we start a new page.

Choose one of the options, and insert it before the Page_Start – command.
We do not have to generate a PDF, since nothing has been added to the page so far.

Copy following commands after Page_Start :


(HN 6 0.2 4.0)
(28.0 31.0 "" " " "" "" "" "")
(HN 9 "NewYear\n2015")

Quick reminder :

·         Page_text_Centre : centering text : font, size and text between “ ”

·         \n before a text, puts what follows on a new line (can be used to create blank lines)

·         Text_Char_Spacing : space between letters, can be different from the title

·         Row_Start : starts a new working line (3 pm : font, size, distance to margins in mm)

·        ROW_START_ES:

Equal spacing – Boxes will be spaced equally from margin to margin (broad)

·        ROW_START_JS:

Justified spacing – Left and right margin are fixed, boxes are equally devided over the remaining area (narrow)

·        ROW_START_FS:

Fixed spacing. – A fixed distance between each box can be determinated, boxes are centered on the line.

Here, there is a 4th pm : the fixed distance between the boxes

·         Stamp_Add : our first ‘box’ with 7! Pm’s

o   Width and height in mm

o   6 tekst fragments, each put between two double (straight) quote signs. (“ “) for now, we leave them empty

·         Stamp_Heading : a small header on top of the box, (3 pm’s)

o   Font and size (choose a small font!)

o   A small text, in one line, or two lines with the addition of \n.

 Once we have copy-pasted all codes, we can Generate and open the PDF.


 Close the PDF afterwards.

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