Thursday, April 8, 2021

Making your own album 07

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3.3    Adding a page divider (1 C)

Open Test Design 2 in Album Easy 4.2.1, erase all codes below ‘Page_Start and save as ‘Test Design 3’.  Now, our title is directly followed by the text. In order to separate both texts, we can use another command, to make a divider.

3.3.1     Adding a simple divider

PAGE_RULE_H (0.1 0 5)

#3 pm – thickness (in pt) / starting point under the previous line / distance to margins (in mm)

This command creates a line.
Because the command starts with ‘PAGE’, it can only be used after the command ‘Page_Start’ If placed before the Page_start-command, this command will not be executed.

This command is followed by 3 parameters:

1 Thickness of the line
2 Distance to previous line (if this is 0, automatically the distance set in module 1A – album settings – will be used).

3 Distance to the margins in mm. This divider is centered, so the distance given will leave a blank space on both left and right side.

A divider can be placed at any time on the page. It can be a divider between the top part and bottom part of the page, as a decorative line underneath the title, or as a line at the bottom of the page.

Copy both command and comment line to your program.

Now click the generate and PDF button to see the result of the command.


Close the PDF again, so that we can continue with programming.

3.3.2    Adding multiple divider lines

Go back to the programming page, and add the Page_Rule_H command once more, but change the parameters. (ex: 0.5 1 10)

Press Generate and PDF to see the result:


Remark : Although the -H in the command, refers to HORIZONTAL, it cannot be changed into a V to make a vertical line.

3.3.3     Putting a text line between two deviders.

Open the programming page once more, and add the code below to what we already have.:

Make sure, the \n are placed between the double (straight) quotes!
See also the loose \ between both parts of the text. It looks like it is placed between two pairs of double quotes, but in fact, it is placed after the last double quotes of the first part, and the first double quotes of the second part.
Will it be visible in the result?

(0.1 0 5)
PAGE_TEXT_CENTRE (HB 12 "\n Placing a subtitle or extra texts line between two lines,\n"\
"can be used to highlight or put the attention on what follows.\n")

(0.1 0 5)

Because we put a second time ‘Page_Start’ as a command, the program will automatically generate a second page. Therfore, it can be useful, to put an extra comment line above that command,

# here starts  page pagina 2

The \ that is placed outside the “quoted” texts, will not have any influence on the result. The \n  that is placed within the double quotes, will generate a new line.

Add the code above to the program. After generating and viewing the PDF, try without \n of \ to see the possibilities.
Do not forget to Gererate and PDF each time, and close the PDF before changing the codes.

Go to module 2 C – for more possibilities on dividing pages or
continue to 1 D to start the last theme of this 1st module.

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