Monday, May 4, 2020

Tasmanian Devils 01: 1/2 Lake Marion errors f

This post is dedicated to the bottom part of the 1/2d Lake Marion stamp of Tasmania.
The top part was under my attention in my previous 4 posts.
After breaking up the stamp into 4 quadrants, I will take a closer look to the bottom left part.
The text part 'LAKE M(ARION) is filled with flaws, these will be explained in a later post.
Plenty of flaws to look at in the rest of this part of the stamp.
flaws 1.26 - 1.32
There are two possible flaws in field F1, the bottom part of the left value frame.
Both flaws are from the first plate, position 26 has a white spot in front of the 2 of the value, position 32 has a white spot which breaks the geen line below the 'd' of the value.

flaws 1.48, 1.15           and           1.24
There are 2 fields in the 'water'-part of the stamp, showing 3 possible flaws, again in plate 1
In the H-line, field H2 can have a white spot in the plants (1.48 and 1.15) and H4 can have a dark spot in the water (1.24)

Line I has several interesting possible flaws, but for now, I leave the text frame out of consideration.
The white ornament in the left bottom corner has an additional white line in flaw 2.57, a small spot in flaw 1.08, and a large spot in flaw 1.15.
flaws 2.57, 2.28 and 1.26
flaws 1.08 and 1.15
In the triangle shaped ornament, in the same left bottom corner, a small white break can be found on position 2.28, while a bit lower a white spot interrupts the line from the dark triangle towards the border of the frame right to it.
For the last 4 flaws, we need to look at field J3 and J4.
We can find white spots in the frame line underneath LAKE M(ARION).
A large spot under the A indicates flaw 2.56, whilst a similar spot under the K indicates position 1.24.
As shown above, position 1.24 comes with the dark flaw in the water.
flaws 2.56           and        1.24
flaws 1.08 and 1.17
Under the KE of 'LAKE' and continuing under M(ARION), a large number of white spots is connected to position 1.17. On the same spot, but less present, indicates flaw 1.08.

There are numerous flaws within the LAKE MARION frame, that will be presented in my next posts.
Note also that, in order to determine some positions, flaws on other parts of the stamp might be essential too. A border watermark frame need to be present in some positions too.

to be continued ...

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