Monday, May 27, 2024

Odd stamps : 06 p Stamps on cotton / silk

Once again, a new smooth stamp/sheetlet from Thailand.
Depicting two pets, a dog with a cat on his back, and printed on velvet paper.
Touching the stamp/sheetlet, it feels like petting the animals for real.

This sheetlet of 25 baht, is only issued on 300,000 copies. A rather small number for a country with almost 70 million people (2024).
It was issued on February 2024 to commemorate the 'Love your pet - day'.
The stamp was printed on velvet paper, to promote philately.

In the bottom corner of the sheetlet, we see a qr-code which leads to the website of the Thai post.
For those who don't speak phasa Thai (Thai), the site is also available in phasa Ankrit (English):

to be continued....

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