Walking down from the trainstation in Antwerp (Belgium) trough the main shoppingstreet, towards the market square with the cathedral (see : https://rainbowstampsandcoins.blogspot.com/2020/07/0-euro-notes-1-f-belgium-antwerp.html), a hidden treasure can be found.
Like all mayor cities, Antwerp had a big event hall in the centre, to host meetings, concerts, ...
The 'stadsfeestzaal' (city party hall) was a monumental project to glorify the appearance of Antwerp at the end of the 19th century. It took about 8 years and 400,000 belgian francs (app. 10,000 euro nowadays), to complete the majestic hall.
'Stadsfeestzaal' in 1908 |
This pearl in the heart of Antwerp, was used as event hall, concert hall, .... throughout the years. In the last days of the 20th century, an urgent upgrade and renovation was mandatory.
Although the 'stadsfeestzaal' survived two world wars, renovation works turned out to be a greater trial, as the hall set fire in december 2000.
The inferno destroyed nearly the whole place, and only the exterior walls and the metal roof construction survived.
'Stadsfeestzaal' in 2001 |
But aren't the belgians the bravest of all the gauls.... The planned renovation works took longer than foreseen, and no expense was spared to return the hall into its former glory.
'Stadsfeestzaal' in 2006 |
The result of the restauration works, was shown to the people in 2007, when the renewed 'feestzaal' was inaugurated again. The sides on the ground floor were turned into fancy shops and the balcony on the first floor became a walkway to newly created shops.
'Stadsfeestzaal' in 2020 |
In 2021, a 0-euro note was issued to commemorate the 'stadsfeestzaal'. The amazing interior however, is not depiced, but we see the - original - entrance gate at the 'Meir-street'.
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Entrance of the 'stadsfeestzaal' (Meir) |
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0-euro note 'Stadsfeestzaal' |
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0-euro note 'stadsfeestzaal' - detail |
The note can be bought inside the hall.
The design of this note ( + common design on the back side) - has some new features, compared to the 'older' notes.
The 2021-note has 5 stars on the right hand side, and the watermark is visually printed in the left corner.
Additional text is added on both left and right side border 'Euro Souvenir'.
On the back side, the € - sign is slightly lighter printed, but the Belem tower, the Brandenburger Tower and the Colloseum, are printed more clearly.
A remarkable change is the statue of 'Manneke Pis' which turned from purple to olive brown.
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some changes in the 2021 - design |
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