Monday, November 25, 2019

Don't cry for Argentina - 03 b National Heroes - Series I

National Heroes, Series I "República"

in this first set of stamps, the text on top of the image is "República"
The set was issued between 1867 an 1879
series I and II 'República'
In 1867, a 5, 10 and 15 centavos were issued, and already shortly after the 5 centavos was emitted, a correction was made to the design.
In the first design the background consists of horizontal lines only. ===
In the redrawn design, the background is made out of horizontal and diagonal lines  ###
Serie I - 5 centavos 1st and 2nd design
Each plate had 100 stamps (10 x 10).
500 sheets (or 500,000 stamps) were printed from the first type,
170,000 sheets (or 17,000,000 stamps) were printed from the second, redrawn type.
Value for the first type is 10 times the value of the second type.
Republica 5 centavos - type 2
A 10 centavos green and a 15 centavos blue, complete this set.The blue can be 'royal blue' or 'clear blue'.

In 1873, the set was complemented with a 1 and 4 centavos stamp (lilac and chocolate brown). These stamps were reprinted in 1878/79 in (1) dark violet and (4) reddish brown.
1 centavo lilac and dark violet
4 centavos chocolate brown
by the end of 1873, 3 more stamps were added : 30, 60 and 90 centavos (catalogue pictures)
catalogue pic 30, 60 and 90 centavos
Since most stamps have relatively high face values, and the need for smaller amounts, the 5 and 10 centavos were overprinted in 1877:
1 and 2 centavos on 5 centavos (all type 2)
8 centavos on 10 centavos
overprint 1 on 5 - 2 on 5 and 8 on 10 (catalogue pictures)
In 1882, the 5 centavos was overprinted with 1/2 centavo.
This issue comes as a bisected stamp (horizontal perforation in the middle of the stamp) and non-bisected.  This overprint also mentions "(Provisorio)" provisional. (catalogue picture)
provisorio overprint and bisected
provisorio overprint not bisected
to be continued...

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