Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Currency Today : Sweden 2

In this second part on Sweden's banknotes, I will present you the 100 and 200 crowns.

On the 100 crowns' note, a mysterious, dreamy face appears. "Angel Eyes" maybe?
We recognise Greta Garbo (1905-1990). Garbo was born in Stockholm and was known as a movie star in the 20's and 30's of the 20th century. Among her roles was that of "dancing Queen" Mata Hari, and the also mysterious Queen Christina (of Sweden).
After the second World War, she lived a more hidden life, as she appeared to be unsociable and/ or shy. She refused a marriage with the famous actor Nils Asther, and there were rumours about her sexuality.
Although she appeared in over 30 movies, she stayed almost 50 years out of the spotlights, until she died in New York in 1990.
100 Swedish crowns - Greta Garbo
back side 100 Swedish crowns
The reverse side of the banknote, gives us a view on Stockholm and indicated is the city hall.
city hall of Stockholm
The 200 Swedish crowns (about € 20), depicts the filmmaker Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007).
Berman directed about 40 movies, dealing mainly with the heavyness of life, regligion, and other existential questions. 'When all is said and done, ..."
He considered film making as the 7th art, away from pleasure for pleasure alone, films were supposed to deal with the meaning of life, and people finally facing their 'Waterloo'.

200 Swedish crowns (€ 20)
On the reverse side, we don't see Bergman's birthplace Uppsala, but the island where he died in 2007.  Fårö is the smaller island located on the north east of the island Gotland. Bergmans called the island his 'home' - not too difficult if you know the place has only about 600 people.

reverse side 200 Swedis crowns - Fårö
Gotland with Fårö in the north
Fårö (Gotland - Sweden)
More to follow

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