Monday, September 16, 2024

Thai banknotes and their signatures 03

For the third period of signatures on Thai banknotes, this article deals with the notes issued under the ruling of King Rama VII, Prajadhipok.

King Rama VII

Prajadhipok became king, after the his brother, Rama VI died in 1925, after a reign of only 15 years.
Rama VII, the younger brother of Rama VI, was the 32th (!) child of Rama V.
He ruled more or less between the two world wars, and was the last absolute monarch of Thailand (Siam at that time).

At first, he was not meant the be the next king of Thailand.
There was one prince higher in rank, Field Marshal Chakrabongse Bhuvanath, the Prince of Phitsanulok.

Prince Chakrabongse Bhuvanath

He was the 40th (!!) child of Rama V, but he died in 1920. Logically, his son, Prince Chula Chakrabongse would be in line for the throne.

Prince Chula Chakrabongse
However, his father had married a foreigner (Ukraine) and a recently enforced Succession Law, barred him from the throne.

In his short life, Rama VII died at the age of 47, he was only king for a period of 10 years.
Only 4 different signatures were used during his life, but he was the first king having his portrait on the Thai notes issued in 1934-35.

First difference is, that all of the notes only bare one signature, that of a minister of Finance.
Another change with the previous banknotes, is that for the first time the currency is the thai Baht, and no longer the 'Tical' (one Tical equals one Baht).

Combination 11 : BoT :  -

                             MRT : T5 Praya Komarakunmontri [26 Oct 1929 - 9 Apr 1932]

Praya Komarakunmontri

From here on, banknotes were signed by a Minister of Finance, hence the new numbering 'M'

Combination 12 : BoT :  -

                             MRT : M01 Praya Manopakornnititad [29 Jun 1932 - 23 Jun 1933]
Praya Manopakornnititad

Combination 13 : BoT :  -

                             MRT : M02 Chaopraya Sritanmatibet [24 Jun 1933 - 21 Sep 1934]

Chaopraya Sritanmatibet

Sritanmatibet had the highest nobility rank, below the royals (such as Prince).
'Chaopraya' is a higher rank than 'Praya', and 'Praya' again is a higher rank than 'Pra'.
Next to the rank, also a specific title is given to noblemen. But not only noblemen got ranked and titled in Thailand.

Ranks and titles were also given to monks, the Royal boats, Elephants and horses, and even the river that flows through Bangkok has the rank of Chaopraya!

Combination 14 : BoT :  -

                             MRT : M03 Praya Manavarajsevi [22 Sep 1934 - 1 Aug 1935]

Praya Manavarajsevi

to be continued...

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thai banknotes and their signatures 02

The second period of signatures on Thai banknotes, runs from 1910 till 1925, when King Rama VI was ruling.

King Rama VI - Vajiravudh
Rama VI, or King Vajiravudh, son of King Rama V, ruled less than 15 years, but he introduced family names in Thai society, and his love for literature made him translate serveral works of Shakespeare and Agatha Christie. Under his rule, all Thai were entitled to follow elementary education.

During his reign, 5 new signature combinations can be found on the banknotes. By the end of his life, some banknotes were issued with only one signature too.

For the combinations 5, 6, 7 and 8, Prince Kitiya Woralak signed for the Royal Treasury.
The signature of the Bank Official changed 4 times.

Combination 5 : BoT :  B3 Pra Manatmanit [21 Aug 1909 - 1 Jan 1917]

Pra Manatmanit (B3)

                            MRT : T3 Prince Chantaburinarunat [1 Apr 1908 - 17 Jan 1922] 

Praya Chaiyossomba

Combination 6 : BoT :  B4 Praya Chaiyossombat [1 Jan 1917 - 6 Dec 1920]
                           MRT : T3 Prince Chantaburinarunat [1 Apr 1908 - 17 Jan 1922]

Combination 7 : BoT :  no signature
                           MRT : T3 Prince Chantaburinarunat [1 Apr 1908 - 17 Jan 1922]

Combination 8 : BoT :  B5 Praya Thep Ratananarin [6 Dec 1920 -17 Jul 1925]

Praya Thep Ratananarin (B5)
                            MRT : T3 Prince Chantaburinarunat [1 Apr 1908 - 17 Jan 1922]

It might be confusing, but signature combination 5 and 8 are actually the same people.
In the 5th combination, we find the signature of Pra Manatmanit, where in combination 8, the signature reads as Praya Thep Ratananarin. The difference is the nobility rank that was given.
"Pra" is a lower rank than "Praya". In Thai nobility, next to the rank, also a title is given (often by the King himself). After getting promoted, Pra Mananmanit, became Praya Thep Ratanarin. His signature changed and was know with his highest title afterwards.

Pra Manatmanit (B3) /
Praya Thep Ratananarin (B5)

Combination 9 : BoT :  B5 Praya Thep Ratananarin [6 Dec 1920 -17 Jul 1925]

                           MRT : T4 Prince Supayok Kasem [17 Jan 1922 - 26 Dec 1929]

On this 9th combination of signatures, we encounter again a prince, Prince Kashemsri Subhayok, the Prince Divakaravongse Pravati, son of Rama IV, and brother of King Rama V. 

Prince Supayok Kasem

On combination 10, we only find one signature, Prince Supayok Kasem, minister of Finance.
As Prince Kasem Supayok survived his uncle, Rama VI, his signature continues on the later notes.

to be continued...

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Thai banknotes and their signatures 01

When it comes to different signatures on banknotes, there are few countries who have more variations, than the Thai banknotes. Often, signatures are hardly readable, but for non-Thai speakers (readers) the various signatures really are hard to distinguish.

The first real Thai banknotes appeared in 1892. Until 1928, there are 2 signatures on the notes.
Between 1928 and 1945 (with one exeption) there is only one signature on the notes. After WWII, again 2 signatures appear on the notes.

Most of the time, one signature is from someone of the Bank of Thailand, while the second signature comes from the Ministry of Finance.

The first period is under the rule of King Rama V (King Chulalongkorn) 1868-1910.

King Rama V (1868-1910)
4 combinations of signatures appear on the banknotes, until 1910.

In the first column, we find signatures of authorized members of the Bank of Thailand (BoT),
in the second column, the signatures of members of the Royal Tresury (MRT)

Combination 1 :  BoT :  B1 Prince Rajchanee Jamjarad
                            MRT : T1 Prince Mahisorn Rajharutai

Combination 2 :  BoT :  B2 Pra Suwanpakdee
                            MRT : T1 Prince Mahisorn Rajharutai

Combination 3 :  BoT :  B2 Pra Suwanpakdee
                            MRT : T2 Praya Suriyanuwat

Combination 4 :  BoT :  B2 Pra Suwanpakdee
                            MRT : T3 Prince Chantaburinarunat 


Both Prince Jamjarad as Pra Suwanpakdee, were head of the 'banknote department'

B1 Prince Rajchanee Jamjarad (great-grandson of Rama II) [7 Sep 1902 - 5 Mar 1903]

Prince Rajchanee Jamjarad
B2 Pra Suwanpakdee [5 Mar 1903 - 21 Aug 1909]

Pra Suwanpakdee

Under the rule of Rama V, 3 different Ministers of Tresury signed the notes:

T1 Prince Mahisorn Rajharutai (son of Rama IV) - founder of the first commercial bank of Thailand. [26 Aug 1896 - 1 June 1906]

Prince Mahisorn Rajharutai
T2 Praya Suriyanuwat [1 June 1906 - 17 Feb 1907]

Praya Suriyanuwat
T3 Prince Kitiyakara Voralaksana, Prince of Chandaburi (12th child of Rama V) [17 Feb 1907 - 31 Mar 1907 and 1 Apr 1908 - 17 Jan 1922]

Prince Chantaburinarunat
to be continued...