National Heroes, serie III "República" - plate II A/B
Second part in the 1/2 centavos story.
This time, we take a closer look at plate II.
Here there are no less than 20 possible variations.
In total there are - only- 1.2 million stamps printed on plate 2. From plate I there were 2.67 million and later from plate 3 even 5 million stamps.
First, I will explain the variations 1 to 10.
plate II - variations 1 to 10 |
var 2.01 : the darker part in the second O of Correos looks like a P rather than an I (dot at the upper part), there is also a dot in the white area above the CE in centavo
var 2.02 : the diagonal lines of the background are shorter towards OS and AR at the top, the white part between the oval line and the diagonal lines is wider than normal.
var 2.03 : The N in centavo is incomplete at the right corner below. There is something that looks like a white line in front of the 2 of the left 1/2
var 2.04 : In the T of Argentinos, we see a mark that looks like a small 7. The inner oval line is missing at the hight of the nose and eyes
var 2.05 : the right volute under the OS of Argentinos has an extra line
var 2.06 : There is a dot in the leg of the first R in Correos
var 2.07 : a white dot appears under the T of Centavo
var 2.08 : there are extra lines under the AV of centavo, hanging from the base line of the frame
var 2.08 |
var 2.09 : a extra blue line starting from the G of Argentina runs down the image towards the front of the face. After a smal interruption, the line continues for a while in front of the forehead of the image.
Just above this line, the inner oval line is interrupted between the O and S of correos
var 2.10 : in the left upper corner, a dot can be found in the leg of the 2 of 1/2. In the base line of the T of Argentina, an extra dot is connecting the T with the diagonal lines below
There are two parts on plate 2 (2A and 2B) resulting in the following variations :
Plate 2A and 2B - 1/2 Centavo - National Heroes series III |
Since plate 2 has 20 different variations, so here are variations 11 to 20:
var 2.11 : there is a dot in the right part of the O of Medio, the inner oval is interrupted above the O of Medio and missing above the shoulder on the right side
var 2.12 : the inner oval is interrupted above the shoulder on the right side and looks like ___ _ _ ___, there are also two dots, one in the white part next to the right volute, a second dot in the same area, but now above the A of centavo
var 2.13 : there are dots in the N and the A of centavo, and the three oval lines below OS in correcos are intact, however the diagonal lines approching those 2 oval lines leave a lager withe area than supposed to be
var 2.14 : the inner oval line under the O of correos is missing, and there are dots in the first N of Argentinos
var 2.15 : here, the inner oval line is missing from the shoulder to the C of correos, under the NT of Argentinos, the inner oval line is missing too. The last diagonal line at the hight of NT of Argentinos appears thicker than in other stamps
var 2.16 : the inner oval line is partly missing on the right side, near the volute. There is also a white dot between the T and the A of Centavo
var 2.17 : a dot in the lower part of the S of Correos
var 2.18 : a dark comma above the S of Correos
var 2.19 : a comma shaped mark in the withe oval, where the shoulder reach the frame
(not indicated) dots and small lines in the base line of the 2 of the left 1/2
var 2.20 : a small with dot in the inner oval line above the right shoulder makes it look like __ __
(not indicated) a white dot above the C of Centavo, connecting to the white area above
(not indicated) under the EO of Correos, the oval lines are shortened
to be continued...