In my last part on the varieties of the dotted Hidalgo 12 Cent (1868),
I present you variations 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Variety 12 VII
In the 7th variation, there are again 2 things to look at:
12 cent - variations 7 |
The second stroke of the M in Mexico is broken.
variation 7a |
Secondly, the bottom line has been redrawn in the left corner.
Both lines are neat and perfectly parallel.
variation 7b |
The top part of the 2 touches the stroke downwards.
I only found it on this stamp, so I can't tell for sure if it is a third characteristic for this subtype or not.
Variety 12 VIII
Next variation (8) shows a thicker left side of the X in Mexico.
variation 8 |
thicker X in Mexico |
Unlike other variations in this type, here, the X is mainly thickened on the left hand side.
It's not one stroke, but the entire left side.
Variety 12 IX
The second last subtype of the 12 Cent Hidalgo has again 2 characteristics.
One is on the left part of the inner circle, the other in the line under the 2 of 12.
Hidalgo 12 cent - variation IX |
variation IX a |
The inner circle is left ticker then normal. This is best to be compared with other 'regular' stamps.
A second characteristic is under the 2 of the 12. Here we see the line under the value, is broken.
It seems like the line is missing under the 2.
variation IXb |
Variety 12 X
Finally variation X (ten) also with two characteristic items :
Hidalgo 12 cent - variations 10 |
Both specific marks are at the left bottom corner of the stamp.
Firstly, the frame of the rosetta is broken on the right side.
variation 10 a and 10 b |
The frame around the rosetta is incomplete (1).
Secondly, the 1 of 12 is smaller then the 2.
To see this clearly, you have to compare it with a regular or similar stamp in this set.
comparing 2 "12 's" one regular (left) one smaller (right) |
The frame in grey is rectangular, so the top and bottom line are parallel.
Left, the 1 touches the frame I drew, right, the 1 is clearly smaller then it should be
Overview variations VII to X
Variations VII (grey green) - variation VIII (purple) - variations IX (red) and variations X (grey)
This is the second stamp in the (dotted) Hidalgo stamp.
Next time, I will go deeper into the 25 Cent...
to be continued...