For the next 1 issue, a short overview of the history of Central/South America between 1819 and 1863.
The country, currently known as Colombia, was Spanish posession in 1819.
Simón Bolívar, who had concurred the remaining Spanish rulers, united the republic of Venezuela and the viceroyalty Nueva Granada (part of the kingdom of Peru) with the current Colombia, Ecuador, parts of Panama. Bolívar named it República de Colombia (later named Grand-Colombia to destinguish from the current county Colombia).
Territory of Grand-Colombia (1819) |
The union only lasted till 1830, and due to internal disagreements, and Ecuador and Venezuela left the group. What remained, was named New-Granada, consisting in Colombia, Panama, parts of Venezuela, Ecuador, and even Brazil, Peru and Costa Rica.
Flag of New-Granada (1819-1830) |
At the end of this era, one, then two more, later 5 more, and finally one last independent state was created
This republic, New Granada, dissolved into the Confederation Granadine, in 1858.
The States were :
Panama (1855), Antioquia and Santander (1856) - Bolívar, Boyacá, Cauca, Cundinamarca and Magdalena (1857) and Tolima (1861) - used to be in the Cundinamarca state before.
Situation in 1858 |
From 1863 on, we speak of the United States of Colombia (including 9 'states' and 3 territories: Caquetá Territory, San Martin Territory and Nevada and Motilones Territory.
At this point of time, the first stamps were being issued in the area....
And that will be for my next entry :-)