On the same date as the 20,000 Boliváres Fuertes note appeared, a 2,000 Boliváres Fuertes notes is issued, but with a different signature. A signature (G) that will reappear on the notes of December 2017.
2000 boliváres fuertes |
On the reverse side we see the (American) Harpy Eagle, which can be found from the south of Mexico, till the outer borders of Brazil.
Harpy Eagle - source Wikipedia |
Behind the eagle, we see the Falls of Ucaima y Tepuyes Venado y Kurún, in the national park of Canaima (est. Bolivar)
national park of Canaima |
The notes' design was taken from the 10 Boliváres Fuertes note, that was issued in the first set of notes (2007-2013).
10 boliváres fuertes |
By the time, the 2,000 note was put into circulation, the 10 note was already taken out of circulation.
to be continued ...
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