Sunday, March 3, 2019

Currency Today : Venezuela 04

The current type of banknotes, are following each other in such a high speed, that by the time the article is online, the notes might have been replaced once more.

In my previous articles, I described the first set of notes (2 to 100 Boliváres Fuertes), issued between March 2007 and November 2015.

The notes were issued on 11 different dates, and have 6 different signature combinations.
More detailed info can be found in the previous articles.

Beginners can start with collecting 6 notes (2 tot 100 Boliváres Fuertes).
More advanced collectors, might be helped with the following model I made :

chart Boliváres Fuertes (2007-2015)

On top you'll find the 11 dates of issue, that can be found on the notes.
In red (serial letters that exist for the particular date - but not in my collection), in black: serial letters that I have in my collection so far.

Yellow fields, mean the note exists, green fields are notes I have.
One orange field, means, the note probably exists too.

Not mentionned are the 'replacement notes' with serial letter Z - they may appear in each subtype.

Replacement note 2 boliváres 05/07 with serial Z

updates and missing notes are welcome,

more to follow

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