In 2017, Hong Kong emitted a set of 6 stamps, dedicated to fashion of the 1920's to the 1970's. The stamps came as single stamps, but also as a sheet, with 3 of each.
set of 6 fashion stamps Hong Kong 2017
Hong Kong fashion 2017 sheet of 18
For this post however, I need to show the two addional values of this set.
The first one, a $10 stamp was issued on an another miniature sheet, holding only that one stamp.
Here we see a lady, and the stamp is in the shape of a dress.
$10 stamp fashion week
Finally, also a $20 stamp was issued, again in a souvenir sheet, but this time, the issue is emitted on silk. The shape and design are identical to the $10 stamp, but with a silver, glowing image.
Another gold foil stamp came to my attention, right at the moment that a good friend of mine was in Luxemburg. In 1923 a statue was inaugurated, as a remembrance for the victims of the first world war, in Luxemburg, and those who volunteerd for Luxemburg in that time. However, during the second word war, the nazis took down the momument.
It was fully restored in 1984, and is now a symbol of independence for the people of Luxemburg. The sculptor, Nicolas (Claus) Cito, born in Luxemburg, and educated in Brussels, never saw the complete restauration, as he died in 1965.
Claus Cito, by August Macke (1906-1907)
The figure, a golden lady ("Gëlle Fra", in Luxemburgish), is inspired by Niké, the greek godess of Victory, it is a gilden bronze statue, on a 21 meter tall granite obelisk.
Gëlle Fra (Golden Lady)-monument
100 years after the first inauguration of the monument, the Luxemburg postal office, emitted a stamp to commemorate and honour the statue and the scultor.
No better way to do so, was to emit a stamp with golden overprint. Thanks to my friend Eric, I got a postally used stamp.
postally used Gëlle Fra-stamp
But even greater was my surprise, when we met for real, and the gave me a commemorative sheet of 4, with a certificate of authenicity.
Signature combinations 31 - 34 came in circulation by the end of 1949.
For a while, the signature of Mr. Dej S(a)nidvong remained on the notes, as Governor of the Bank of Thailand, until the reappearance of Mr. Serm Vinicchayakul. (sign. 25, 26 and 34)
Combination 31 : MoF : M17 Field Marshal Plaek Piboonsongkram [13 Oct 1949 - 18 Jul 1950] BoT : B11 M.L. Dej S(a)nidvong [4 Aug 1949 - 29 Feb 1952]
Field Marshal Plaek Piboonsongkram
Field Marshal Plaek Piboonsongkram was prime Minister of Thailand, during the second world war. He had strong bonds with the facist parties of Italy, nazi Germany and Japan. After WWII, he became prime Minister again, but with the young and unexperienced King Rama IX on the throne (represented by various regents), he installed a de facto dictatorship. He had the highest rank in the army, the navy and the royal air force.
Combination 32 : MoF : M18 Pra Manupanavimonsart (Chom Jamornman) [18 Jul 1950 - 28 Nov 1951] BoT : B11 M.L. Dej S(a)nidvong [4 Aug 1949 - 29 Feb 1952]
Pra Manupanavimonsart
Combination 33 : MoF : M19 Gen. Pao Pienlert Boripanyutakit [8 Dec 1951 - 30 Mar 1953] BoT : B11 M.L. Dej S(a)nidvong [4 Aug 1949 - 29 Feb 1952]
Combination 34 : MoF : M19 Gen. Pao Pienlert Boripanyutakit [8 Dec 1951 - 30 Mar 1953] BoT : B08/12 Mr. Serm Vinicchayakul [1 Mar 1952 - 24 Jul 1955]
From 1948 on a complete new set of banknotes were issued. This is known as the 9th series of banknotes. They were printed between 1948 and 1955, and were in use at the time of the coronation of King Rama IX in 1950. Rama IX was officially installed at the age of 18.
In the video above, you find a British newflash of the coronation of King Bumibol (Phumiphon) in 1950.
For this 9th series of banknotes, the signature on the left is from the Finance Minister, the one on the right, of the governor of the Bank of Thailand. The first set of notes, bare signature combinations 27 to 34.
Although all notes have two signatures again, there is one note (50 satang), that has only one signature. 'Combination' 27, therefore only appears on one single banknote.
Combination 27 : MoF : M13 Prince Vivadhanajaya [11 Nov 1947 - 8 Apr 1948] BoT : -
Prince Vivadhanajaya
Prince Vivadhanajaya (grandson of King Rama
IV). He was Govenor of the Bank of Thailand, then minister of Finance, then again Governor of the BoT, to end as Finance Minister again.
Combination 28 : MoF : M14 Prince Vivadhanajaya [11 Nov 1947 - 8 Apr 1948] BoT : B09 Leng Srisomwong [25 Nov 1947 - 2 Sep 1948]
Leng Srisomwong
The 1, 5, 10 and 20 baht-notes, come with red and black serial numbers. Those with red serial numbers are more rare, thus more expensive.
Thailand Pick 069b - signature combination 28
Thailand Pick 069b - signature combination 28
Thailand Pick 069b - reverse
Note: the right signatures is printed on the area of the watermark.
For combination 29, Prince Vivadhanajava becomes Governor of the Bankt of Thailand, and his signature moves to the right, a new minister of Finance, Visut Tonavanik (noble title: Praya Tonavanikmontri) signs to the left
Combination 29 : MoF : M15 Praya Tonavanikmontri (Visut Tonavanik) [15 Apr 1948 - 30 Nov 1948] BoT : B10 Prince Vivadhanajaya [11 Nov 1947 - 8 Apr 1948]
Praya Tonavanikmontri (Visut Tonavanik)
Combination 30 : MoF : M14/16 Prince Vivadhanajaya [30 Nov 1948 - 13 Oct 1949]
BoT : B11 M.L. Dej S(a)nidvong* [4 Aug 1949 - 29 Feb 1952]
Here, Prince Viviadhanajava reappears as Finance Minister, and a new Governor of the BoT is added.
M.L. Dej S(a)nidvong
* For Thai speakers, the combination "s+n" is hard to pronounce, they will add an 'a' to make it easier.
Combinations 25 and 26, again with two signatures:
Now on the left is the signature of the Minister of Finance. When we look closely, the signatures of the ministers here, were already on the banknotes before. In combination 25,
we find again the signature of Praya Srivisaravaja (comb. 22), and in combination 26, the one of Mr. Vijit Lulitanon (comb. 24)
As minister of Governor of the Bank of Thailand (now right), we find the signature of Mr. Serm Vinicchayakul. On a later combination, we will find his signature again, but then as Minister of Finance (comb. 37).
Mr. Serm Vinicchayakul
Combination 25: MRT : M12 Praya Srivisaravaja [2 Feb 1946 - 24 Mar 1946] BoT : B08 Mr. Serm Vinicchayakul [17 Oct 1946 - 24 Nov 1947]
Combination 26:MRT : M13 Mr. Vijit Lulitanon [24 Aug 1946 - 8 Nov 1947] BoT : B08 Mr. Serm Vinicchayakul [17 Oct 1946 - 24 Nov 1947]
In 1946, a 100 baht-note was issued with signature 26. The same note with signature 25 might exist, but has never been confirmed. This note was re-issued later, with signature 28 (see Rama IX signatures).
The second period of the short reign of Rama VIII is called the Thai Govenment. A lot of signature combinations can be found on the new set of banknotes. Now with the portrait of the king seen from the front, and not facing the left anymore.
One 10 baht-note, with king Rama VIII facing the left was re-issued in 1939 with signature combination 23 too.
The first new signature 'combination' is the only signature by only the chief of the banknote department, without one of the Minister of Finance. (only on 8 banknotes)
Combination 17:BoT : B06 Gen. Pao Pienlert Boripanyutakit[17 Dec 1941 - 1 Aug 1944] MRT : -
Gen. Pao Pienlert Boripanyutakit
'combination 17'
Later on, General Pao Pienlert Boripanyutakit became minister of Finance, and signed as such. A new signature for the Governor of the Tresury was added as second signature.
combination 18
Combination 18:BoT : B07 Mr. Naeb Paholyotin [14 Jul 1936 - 26 Nov 1942] MRT : M06 Gen. Pao Pienlert Boripanyutakit[17 Dec 1941 - 1 Aug 1944]
Mr. Naeb Paholyotin
Hereafter, again 6 signature 'combinations' appear, with only one signature.
combinations 19-24
Combination 19:BoT : - MRT : M07 Maj. Kuang Apaiwong[2 Aug 1944 - 10 Jan 1945]
Combination 20:BoT : - MRT :M08 Mr. Leng Srisomwong[10 Jan 1945 - 31 Aug 1945]
Combination 21:BoT : - MRT : M09 Mr. Direk Chainam [1 Sep 1945 - 1 Feb 1946]
Combination 22:BoT : - MRT :M10 Praya Srivisaravaja (Tienlieng Huntakun)[2 Feb 1946 - 24 Mar 1946]
Combination 23:BoT : - MRT : M11 Luang Pradidmanutham (Pridi Panomyong) - second term [24 Mar 1946 - 23 Aug 1946]
Combination 24:BoT : - MRT :M12 Mr. Vijit Lulitanon[24 Aug 1946 - 8 Nov 1947]