I have shown in previous posts, some fantasy notes of the North Western Continent, i.e. Mujand Republic and Evshlohogi Islands.
Todays post is about a second continent : Antootica, with only one territory: Lia Antootica.
Lia Antootica, the only territory on Antootica |
On Lia Antootica, the currency is the Sivar, and the notes come in 5, 10, 25 and 50 (notes 076 to 079), and known as serie M (2017).
On the front side, each note bares the image of a famous pirate captain
Kapitány Vérzes Rogny (5) - Kapitány Meg Valtó (10) - Kapitány Vrad Horog (25) and Kapitány Tinó Zavalos (50).
Lia Antootica notes (front) |
at the back side, some dramatic scenes of the pirate's life is shown.
Lia Antootica notes (back) |
So far the 'notes' as the appear to most people.
However, having a closer look, made me discover more than expected.
Signatures on Lia Antootica notes |
Where the signature is placed, we find "
Elnök and Kincstárnok" - or "President and Treasurer" in Hungarian.
A nemzet aranya arany tartalék... |
Around the denomination, the lines '
A nemzet aranya arany tartalék' is written... which means 'the gold of the nation, the gold reserve' ... in Hungarian.
Kalózkodás Bank |
Behind the word Lia Antootica, we see a map of the island.
Underneath, '
Kalózkodás Bank' is written .... or Hungarian for 'Piracy Bank'
And yet the fun is not over ...
At the back, the text '
a lia antootica kormány értékek a pénznemben, és ez így lesz', which stands for: the government of Lia Antootica values this currency and will (promises to) do so.
a lia antootica kormány értékek a pénznemben, és ez így lesz |
In the corner of the 4 notes, we see some information on the people depicted in the front :'a csont kollektor' (the bone collector), 'a jó kalóz (the good pirate)', 'a noothic kalóz' (the gentle pirate) and 'a vandór' (the wanderer).
the 4 pirate's nick names on the corners |
And also the ships have names :
a sárkány szeme : the dragon's eye
detail 5 sivar |
a szent kard : the holy sword
10 sivar |
a fekete szellem : the black ghost
25 sivar |
a kõdõs tùz : the rotten fire
50 sivar |
It's like discovering a pirate's treasure ... by the way, '
sivár' means bleak (in Hungarian).
The final easter egg, or hidden joke can be found on the front side, above 'Lia Antootica', where we find the word '
Visszaváltható' and 'Svr =
eg¹²' ... "returnable/exchangable + Sivar and foreign currency.
Anyone who finds more hidden references, can contact me.
to be continued...