Saturday, September 28, 2024

Thai banknotes and their signatures 06b - King Rama IX - 1948 issue /2

Four more signature combinations can be found on the notes issued as the 9th series (Rama IX - 1948 issue). For the others, see : thai-banknotes-and-their-signatures-06a.html

King Rama IX - 1948

Signature combinations 31 - 34 came in circulation by the end of 1949.

For a while, the signature of Mr. Dej S(a)nidvong remained on the notes, as Governor of the Bank of Thailand, until the reappearance of Mr. Serm Vinicchayakul. (sign. 25, 26 and 34)

Combination 31 : MoF :  M17 Field Marshal Plaek Piboonsongkram [13 Oct 1949 - 18 Jul 1950]
                             BoT :  B11 M.L. Dej S(a)nidvong [4 Aug 1949 - 29 Feb 1952]

Field Marshal Plaek Piboonsongkram
Field Marshal Plaek Piboonsongkram was prime Minister of Thailand, during the second world war.
He had strong bonds with the facist parties of Italy, nazi Germany and Japan.
After WWII, he became prime Minister again, but with the young and unexperienced King Rama IX on the throne (represented by various regents), he installed a de facto dictatorship. He had the highest rank in the army, the navy and the royal air force.

Combination 32 : MoF :  M18 Pra Manupanavimonsart (Chom Jamornman) [18 Jul 1950 - 28 Nov 1951]
                             BoT :  B11 M.L. Dej S(a)nidvong [4 Aug 1949 - 29 Feb 1952]

Pra Manupanavimonsart
Combination 33 : MoF :  M19 Gen. Pao Pienlert Boripanyutakit [8 Dec 1951 - 30 Mar 1953]
                             BoT :  B11 M.L. Dej S(a)nidvong [4 Aug 1949 - 29 Feb 1952]

Combination 34 : MoF :  M19 Gen. Pao Pienlert Boripanyutakit [8 Dec 1951 - 30 Mar 1953]
                             BoT :  B08/12  Mr. Serm Vinicchayakul [1 Mar 1952 - 24 Jul 1955] 

see signature combinations 25 and 26

to be continued...

Friday, September 27, 2024

Thai banknotes and their signatures 06a - King Rama IX - 1948 issue

From 1948 on a complete new set of banknotes were issued.
This is known as the 9th series of banknotes. They were printed between 1948 and 1955, and were in use at the time of the coronation of King Rama IX in 1950. Rama IX was officially installed at the age of 18.

In the video above, you find a British newflash of the coronation of King Bumibol (Phumiphon) in 1950.

For this 9th series of banknotes, the signature on the left is from the Finance Minister, the one on the right, of the governor of the Bank of Thailand.
The first set of notes, bare signature combinations 27 to 34.

Although all notes have two signatures again, there is one note (50 satang), that has only one signature.
'Combination' 27, therefore only appears on one single banknote.

Combination 27 : MoF :  M13 Prince Vivadhanajaya [11 Nov 1947 - 8 Apr 1948]
                             BoT : -

Prince Vivadhanajaya
Prince Vivadhanajaya (grandson of King Rama IV). He was Govenor of the Bank of Thailand, then minister of Finance, then again Governor of the BoT, to end as Finance Minister again.

Combination 28 : MoF :  M14 Prince Vivadhanajaya [11 Nov 1947 - 8 Apr 1948]
                             BoT :  B09 Leng Srisomwong [25 Nov 1947 - 2 Sep 1948]

Leng Srisomwong

The 1, 5, 10 and 20 baht-notes, come with red and black serial numbers. Those with red serial numbers are more rare, thus more expensive.

Thailand Pick 069b - signature combination 28
Thailand Pick 069b - signature combination 28

Thailand Pick 069b - reverse
Note: the right signatures is printed on the area of the watermark.

For combination 29, Prince Vivadhanajava becomes Governor of the Bankt of Thailand, and his signature moves to the right, a new minister of Finance, Visut Tonavanik (noble title: Praya Tonavanikmontri) signs to the left

Combination 29 : MoF : M15 Praya Tonavanikmontri (Visut Tonavanik) [15 Apr 1948 - 30 Nov 1948] 
                             BoT :  B10 Prince Vivadhanajaya [11 Nov 1947 - 8 Apr 1948]

Praya Tonavanikmontri (Visut Tonavanik)
Combination 30 : MoF : M14/16 Prince Vivadhanajaya [30 Nov 1948 - 13 Oct 1949]

                             BoT :  B11 M.L. Dej S(a)nidvong* [4 Aug 1949 - 29 Feb 1952]

Here, Prince Viviadhanajava reappears as Finance Minister, and a new Governor of the BoT is added.

M.L. Dej S(a)nidvong

* For Thai speakers, the combination "s+n" is hard to pronounce, they will add an 'a' to make it easier.

to be continued...

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thai banknotes and their signatures 05 - Early years of Rama IX

Signature combination 24, see : came on the banknotes when King Rama IX was already in charge, but since the coronation took place in 1950, Rama VIII banknotes were in use till then.
The same goes for the signature combinations 25 and 26

young King Rama IX - Bhumibol Adulyadej

Combinations 25 and 26, again with two signatures:

Now on the left is the signature of the Minister of Finance.
When we look closely, the signatures of the ministers here, were already on the banknotes before. In combination 25, we find again the signature of Praya Srivisaravaja (comb. 22), and in combination 26, the one of Mr. Vijit Lulitanon (comb. 24)

As minister of Governor of the Bank of Thailand (now right), we find the signature of Mr. Serm Vinicchayakul. On a later combination, we will find his signature again, but then as Minister of Finance (comb. 37).

Mr. Serm Vinicchayakul

Combination 25: MRT : M12 Praya Srivisaravaja [2 Feb 1946 - 24 Mar 1946]
BoT :  B08 Mr. Serm Vinicchayakul [17 Oct 1946 - 24 Nov 1947]

Combination 26: MRT : M13 Mr. Vijit Lulitanon [24 Aug 1946 - 8 Nov 1947]
BoT :  B08 Mr. Serm Vinicchayakul [17 Oct 1946 - 24 Nov 1947]

In 1946, a 100 baht-note was issued with signature 26. The same note with signature 25 might exist, but has never been confirmed.
This note was re-issued later, with signature 28 (see Rama IX signatures).

to be continued....

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Thai banknotes and their signatures 04b - Thai Government

The second period of the short reign of Rama VIII is called the Thai Govenment.
A lot of signature combinations can be found on the new set of banknotes.
Now with the portrait of the king seen from the front, and not facing the left anymore.

One 10 baht-note, with king Rama VIII facing the left was re-issued in 1939 with signature combination 23 too.

The first new signature 'combination' is the only signature by only the chief of the banknote department, without one of the Minister of Finance. (only on 8 banknotes)

Combination 17: BoT : B06 Gen. Pao Pienlert Boripanyutakit [17 Dec 1941 - 1 Aug 1944]                       
                            MRT : -

Gen. Pao Pienlert Boripanyutakit

'combination 17'

Later on, General Pao Pienlert Boripanyutakit became minister of Finance, and signed as such.
A new signature for the Governor of the Tresury was added as second signature.

combination 18
Combination 18: BoT :  B07 Mr. Naeb Paholyotin [14 Jul 1936 - 26 Nov 1942]                      
                            MRT : M06 Gen. Pao Pienlert Boripanyutakit [17 Dec 1941 - 1 Aug 1944]

Mr. Naeb Paholyotin

Hereafter, again 6 signature 'combinations' appear, with only one signature.

combinations 19-24

Combination 19: BoT :  -                 
                            MRT : M07 Maj. Kuang Apaiwong [2 Aug 1944 - 10 Jan 1945]

Combination 20: BoT :  -                     
                            MRT : M08 Mr. Leng Srisomwong [10 Jan 1945 - 31 Aug 1945]

Combination 21: BoT :  -                 
                            MRT : M09 Mr. Direk Chainam [1 Sep 1945 - 1 Feb 1946]

Combination 22: BoT :  -                     
                            MRT : M10 Praya Srivisaravaja (Tienlieng Huntakun) [2 Feb 1946 - 24 Mar 1946]

Combination 23: BoT :  -                 
                            MRT : M11 Luang Pradidmanutham  (Pridi Panomyong)
                                - second term [24 Mar 1946 - 23 Aug 1946]

Combination 24: BoT :  -                     
                            MRT : M12 Mr. Vijit Lulitanon [24 Aug 1946 - 8 Nov 1947]

Maj. Kuang Apaiwong

Mr. Leng Srisomwong

Mr. Direk Chainam

Praya Srivisaravaja (Tienlieng Huntakun)

Pridi Banomyong in 1945

Mr.Vijitr Luritanon
to be continued...

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Thai banknotes and their signatures 04a - Siam Government

The 4th era of Thai signatures, are the ones issued under the rule of King Ananda Madihol, or Rama VIII.
Rama VIII came to rule after the abdication of his uncle, Rama VII.
By the end of his reign, King Rama VII was no longer the absolute monarch of Thailand/Siam.
Therefore, he could not appoint his successor himself.
As the prince Chula Chakrabongse already was excluded from the throne (see:,
the first in line became another son of King Rama V, with his 7th wife.
Mahidol Adulyadej, 69th child of King Rama (yes),

Prince Mahidol Adulyadej
The prince could not make it to the throne, for the simple reason that he already deceased by then.
As the new successor to the throne, now was appointed by the government, the eldest son of the prince, was appointed to be the new king. The boy however was only 9 years old at that time, and lived in Switzerland. It was convenient (or not?) for the new government, to have such a young king on the throne, who had never ever been in Thailand/Siam. At the age of 13, the young prince visited Thailand for the first time,

He returned to Switzerland, to finish his studies, and returned to his kingdom after the second world war, in December 1945. Right away, he became the people's favourite.
An unfortunate accident (?), ended the boy's life even before he was officially installed as king.
It was his brother,  Phra Chaoyuhua Bhumibol Adulyadej
, King Rama IX, who granted him the royal title after his death, making King Ananda Madihol the 8th kind of the Chakri-dynasty.

King Ananda Madihol in 1946
Opposite to what you might think, during the 'reign' of Rama VIII, at least 14 different signature combinations can be found. All of the banknotes, bare the image of the young Rama VIII.

Under the 'Siam' government, two additional signature combinations can be found:
Here again, only a Minister of Finance signed.

Combination 15: BoT :  -                               

                            MRT : M04 Praya Chaiyasombat
                                        (Serm Krisnamara) [12 Feb 1936 - 19 Dec 1938]

Praya Chaiyasombat

Combination 16: BoT :  -                          
                            MRT : M05 Luang Pradidmanutham (noble title)
                                       (Mr. Preedee Panomyong) [20 Dec 1938 - 17 Dec 1941]

Mr. Preedee Panomyong was the man under whose influence, the government decided to hand the throne to the young Anana Madihol.
He was a powerful statesman, who had a hand in the transformation from Siam to Thailand, from the absolute monarchy to a quasi-democratic monarchy, ...
29 March 1934 – 12 February 1935 : Minister of Interior
12 July 1936 – 13 December 1938 : Minister of Foreign Affairs
20 December 1938 – 16 December 1941 : Minister of Finance
16 December 1941 – 5 December 1945 : Regent of Thailand - till the return of the King VIII
24 March 1946 – 23 August 1946 : Prime Minister and Minister of Finance - under King Rama IX

Mr. Preedee Panomyong
to be continued...

Monday, September 16, 2024

Thai banknotes and their signatures 03

For the third period of signatures on Thai banknotes, this article deals with the notes issued under the ruling of King Rama VII, Prajadhipok.

King Rama VII

Prajadhipok became king, after the his brother, Rama VI died in 1925, after a reign of only 15 years.
Rama VII, the younger brother of Rama VI, was the 32th (!) child of Rama V.
He ruled more or less between the two world wars, and was the last absolute monarch of Thailand (Siam at that time).

At first, he was not meant the be the next king of Thailand.
There was one prince higher in rank, Field Marshal Chakrabongse Bhuvanath, the Prince of Phitsanulok.

Prince Chakrabongse Bhuvanath

He was the 40th (!!) child of Rama V, but he died in 1920. Logically, his son, Prince Chula Chakrabongse would be in line for the throne.

Prince Chula Chakrabongse
However, his father had married a foreigner (Ukraine) and a recently enforced Succession Law, barred him from the throne.

In his short life, Rama VII died at the age of 47, he was only king for a period of 10 years.
Only 4 different signatures were used during his life, but he was the first king having his portrait on the Thai notes issued in 1934-35.

First difference is, that all of the notes only bare one signature, that of a minister of Finance.
Another change with the previous banknotes, is that for the first time the currency is the thai Baht, and no longer the 'Tical' (one Tical equals one Baht).

Combination 11 : BoT :  -

                             MRT : T5 Praya Komarakunmontri [26 Oct 1929 - 9 Apr 1932]

Praya Komarakunmontri

From here on, banknotes were signed by a Minister of Finance, hence the new numbering 'M'

Combination 12 : BoT :  -

                             MRT : M01 Praya Manopakornnititad [29 Jun 1932 - 23 Jun 1933]
Praya Manopakornnititad

Combination 13 : BoT :  -

                             MRT : M02 Chaopraya Sritanmatibet [24 Jun 1933 - 21 Sep 1934]

Chaopraya Sritanmatibet

Sritanmatibet had the highest nobility rank, below the royals (such as Prince).
'Chaopraya' is a higher rank than 'Praya', and 'Praya' again is a higher rank than 'Pra'.
Next to the rank, also a specific title is given to noblemen. But not only noblemen got ranked and titled in Thailand.

Ranks and titles were also given to monks, the Royal boats, Elephants and horses, and even the river that flows through Bangkok has the rank of Chaopraya!

Combination 14 : BoT :  -

                             MRT : M03 Praya Manavarajsevi [22 Sep 1934 - 1 Aug 1935]

Praya Manavarajsevi

to be continued...